Tiny Home Finance Programs
Our in-house financing program distinguishes us from other lenders because of our great customer service. Our goal is to get you an answer as quickly as possible and provide any potential solutions to get you qualified.

Pre-Owned Home Purchase in Approved
TX Tiny Home Community
Minimum credit score 650
Minimum down payment requirement
$4,000 for single-wide home or $6,000 for multi-section home, regardless of FICO score.
DTI (debt-to-income) ratio up to 50% accepted.
All other conditions identified above for New Homes apply to pre-owned homes.
New Home Purchase in Approved
TX Tiny Home Community
Minimum credit score 650
Loan Term
23 years or less. Possible exception to 25 years on a case-by-case basis.
Down payment requirement
Minimum down payment ranges from 5%-10% based on FICO score
720+ = 5% down payment
Possible exceptions for 5% down payment for FICO score less than 720 on a case-by-case basis.
650-719 = 10% down payment
Two years of continuous employment. However, gaps are allowed up to 60 days if borrower provides explanation letter and is approved by SRH Capital.
One year of rental history verification.
No foreclosure, short sale or repossessions within the previous 2 years.
No derogatory rental history, housing collection or judgments within 2 years. One late payment allowed.
No new collections or judgments within 6 months, other than medical.

All loans are subject to the following list of fees
2.0% loan origination fee
$32.95 credit report fee
$97.00 life of loan tax fee
$995.00 document preparation fee
We accept DTI ratios up to 50%
*Approval conditions are subject to change without notice. Additional requirements may apply based on individual circumstances.

Escrow for Property
Insurance / Taxes
SRH Capital is required to escrow for homeowner’s insurance and property/personal taxes (if applicable). The first year’s insurance premium may be financed in or paid in full before closing. If home is located within a flood plain, applicant(s) will be required to also obtain a flood insurance coverage.
NMLS ID: 2678715